Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Spice up your exercise program

Some of us get stuck doing the same ol exercises. If they are boring for you maybe they are boring for our folks. Try some "props" to add excitement and fun to your fabulous fitness program. You have probably come across the styrofoam pool noodles. Why not bring them into your fitness routine?
  • Buy 10 and cut in half( for 20)
  • You now have an oar for a rowing exercise, a bar for pull ups, use the noodle in both arms and push away from the body. Use your imagination!
  • Here is a favorite, hold the noodle extend the arms and bend noodle in half. Whoopee! light resistance for them. Now have them squeeze the noodle (good for arthritis)
  • Remember the "thigh master"? Bend the noodle in half and put between the legs hold on and let them squeeze the knees together.

Enjoy your noodlerific addition to your exercise routine. The residents will thank you!