Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Laugh a Day...

National Assisted Living Week at Arizona Grand!

Vacation to Spain

Here are just a few Assisted living week Photos

National Assisted Living Week at Terracina Grand!

Resident Talent Show
We had a very busy week at Terracina Grand!!! The first set is from our Talent Show, which was a huge success. The Forum, our main activity room was packed to the brim as the residents came out to cheer on their peers, and see their talents. We enjoyed many special numbers from our residents. One resident recited all 50 states in Alphabetical order, we had a pianist play a solo, several singers, with a special Irish number by three of our men, and a special song, “Edelweiss” dedicated to one our residents who survived the Holocaust, one gentleman shared a few humorous stories from his war days, and one man did a special dance and sung at the same time. All in all, it was a great afternoon, and many residents were surprised to find out what their neighbors can do!

Sandra Steinbach
Activities Director

National Assisted Living Week at The Commons on Marice!

National Assisted Living Week always requires a little extra work for the activity staff here at the Commons…but man, it’s worth it!!! We had a super fun/busy/exciting/rewarding week! Each day we had a theme from the Legacies of Love which lead to a bunch of extra tweaks to the activity calendar. Here are some things that worked really well that you might want to try if you are ever in the need of an idea!

For part of our celebration for Legacies of Environment we had a program where each resident wrote or researched a poem about the environment…of course they were welcome to come and just listen if they preferred! This program really got the residents’ creative juices flowing! With such a broad topic it was interesting to see the variety of poems and ideas that the residents came up with! One of the ladies even brought her poem book from 1920 and they all started recited a bunch of old poems. It was a hoot!

Legacies of Music brought more fun for our week!!! We had music themed activities ALL day. We really stressed how different music can affect your mood. For exercises we pumped the residents up with upbeat music, for aromatherapy we calmed them down using soothing music, for dinner we provided them with a live flutist, and during gardening club we even talked about how music has been proved to help plants grow!!! We even had the local historical society come in with a traveling, costumed actor to do a presentation on early American music. It was very interesting!

National Assisted Living Week at The Inn on Westport!

Antique Road Show

We had a panel of 3 local antique experts who did appraisals/info on Resident's antiques. Each resident could bring down a maximum of 3 items.